I was recently on the beach in Odessa. Several of my friends and I were breathing there, at that moment when I accidentally overheard a conversation between two young girls. They talked about men and what is most important about them. One girl said that for her the most important thing in a man is appearance .. That she could never fall in love with a man whose body does not look like a photo from a magazine about fashion models)) And the second said that for her the body is not important if a man has a large scale in the bank and a nice car ... It shocked me and my friends!
My friends are people of my age. These are mature and serious people, but who know how to appreciate simple things and find joy even in small things! Such a cynical attitude towards the search for love, which we heard from those girls, left us in bewilderment .. Do all young people really think that real happiness can be bought like a toy in a store?
I will say a sure NO!
For many years I have been going to create my business. Now I can say that my life is more than comfortable and I can afford a lot of what I want to have. I have funds that I can spend .. But I know that I went to this for a long time, I worked hard to make my travel agency work and generate income. During the onset of the virus, when travel became more difficult, I could spend the night at work, forget about sleep or food, but do everything so that my work, my business and my employees were in order and could continue working. Having a good bank account is a lot of work, and I know about it.
Perhaps because I am a financially independent woman, now I am not looking for a millionaire! I'm not trying to find the perfect body or a big wallet .. I'm just looking for a good man! Sincerity, honesty, care, openness and love! These are the qualities that I really want to find in my future man ...
Sometimes I wonder how difficult it is to find a good person now? How difficult it is to meet love in a world where some people love only wealth, the other part loves only beautiful bodies and wants only intimate relationships and nothing else, and only the last part of people is really in search of true love! It's complicated..
But I do not lose hope of becoming happy with my special man! And FindBride doesn't give me despair!)) I love this site .. partly because I've read so many successful stories here. Stories from people who met here and then decided to do it in the real world and found love! It inspires me! This gives hope that not all people in the world "hunt" for wealth!
I believe that I can also one day send my happy story to this site about how I met the man of my dreams!
Who knows .. maybe it will happen this summer?
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