Sports are an integral part of a child's harmonious development. That is why more and more parents send their children to the sections, but the child is a restless creature, and the enthusiasm caused by new impressions fades very quickly. Just yesterday, your child was happily running to training, and today he is capricious and wants to watch cartoons instead of going to the gym.
Most often, the crisis occurs in the first six months, and sooner or later the parents face the question of what to do in this situation: to force, scold, punish or, conversely, not to put pressure on the child and give up?
Show your support!
This is the first and most important way to motivate a child. Support him in all his endeavors, try to go to all competitions, pick him up and meet him from the section at least for the first time and, of course, cheer him up in case of loss. Let your child understand that you are proud of him, and his efforts are pleasant and important for you. Especially parental participation is important for very young athletes, because at this age mom and dad are still the center of the universe.
Tell us about the advantages!
Regularly, but unobtrusively, tell your child why it is useful and necessary to do sports. The main thing is to do it according to your age. It is unlikely that a five-year-old boy will find the argument "girls like athletes" convincing, and it is difficult to attract teenagers by talking about disease prevention. Think about what is important for your child (popularity, respect, self-assertion, career, beauty), and focus on this.
Notice the little things!
Of course, you don't expect that after a week of training your child will become a famous athlete! It is very important to show this to the baby — notice even the most seemingly insignificant changes and praise the child not only for major victories, but also for small successes. I mastered a new technique, came first on the cross-country, took a prize in the district competition — all this can and should be celebrated.
Be an example!
Personal example is important in any aspect of education, and sports is no exception. It is obvious that admonitions about the benefits of sports from parents who spend all their free time on the couch in front of the TV will not work even on a small child. Similarly, in a family where physical activity is an organic part of everyday life, there are practically no problems with motivation for kids.
Do not compare with other children
But what you definitely don't need to do when trying to motivate a child to play sports is to compare it with peers in the context of "But Sasha is from a parallel class...". At best, you will find even more resistance, multiplied by stubbornness, at worst — broken self-esteem, self-doubt of the child and all the problems that follow from this.
Young children do not always understand what they want, therefore, having given the child to the section, parents should gently and wisely guide him. Regardless of whether you plan to grow a champion or your goal is classes for general development, sports implies difficulties and hard work, which most often causes a desire to quit classes.
Remember that for a child, sports should be a source of health and positive emotions, so you also need to motivate through positive emotions. Spend more time together, watch movies and programs about athletes, praise the child for achievements and be sure to explain that failures are also part of this path, and there is nothing terrible about them.
If you feel that the child's unwillingness to play sports becomes categorical and you can't cope on your own, talk to the coach and do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. Competent people will help to understand the problem and not to injure the baby.
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