Stages of love: let’s travel together
id: 10010154
Just as a person grows through particular stages of life and development, the same happens with relationships. We begin from the first stage of love and continue this journey to the most perfect form so let’s trace all this way and maybe in the end you will know on which stage you are.

For me there are three stages of love but it doesn’t mean that it will be a fast way to each one of them.

All relationship starts from falling in love and this period is usually called as “romantic” or “candy-flower period”. The most wonderful as for me because a beginning of something is always fill us with joy and happiness, expectation of wonder. During this period we want to spend all out time with our beloved ones, to be together everywhere. All our thoughts are about a particular person: at work, during important meeting, in the shower and others the most unrespecting places. When you are in love, you not only begin to be tireless, you are just all time in euphoria )) This “candy-flower period” gives us a taste of possible further relationship but it can’t last too long.

The next stage that is coming is “lovesick period”. Feeling physical attraction is the most visible result of such a period. Despite being still in love, you can begin to notice not only good features of character of your partner and the most common mistake as for me is trying to change all that you find bad and not right to your ideal view. You can’t change another formed personality, it is not love, it is a desire to dominate. In this stage of relationship, you take off pink glasses and look at things more realistic, and you two may fight about even silliest things like a color of the walls or music tastes. The good point is that you begin to be more attached to each other and you develop your love in more intimate form.

Emotional attachment or the third stage of love unites the best blessings of common existence. Partnership, realistic love (when you see all bad in your partner but you love this person just the way he/she is), taking care of each other, commitment and even children. In this stage of love you become not only people in love but soul mates; you cherish life together and work together to make your relationship even better, solving all problems that can stay on your way.

All things considered, you can find more than three stages in your relationship, because all relationships are unique but don’t skip any one of them. Love can’t hurt, loneliness hurts more…
