1. Improve your body.
There are sports that simply cannot be practiced alone ā you need a sparring partner. This, for example, tennis, dancing and many types of stretching. So, together with your soul mate, you can diversify both your leisure time and your sports regimen.
2. Motivate.
Getting up at 7 (and even 8-9) o'clock on Saturday morning and going for a run or going to the gym is, to put it mildly, difficult from a psychological point of view. But if you have an accomplice, a person who, together with you, agree to perform your morning physical feats, it will not be so difficult to fight laziness.
3. To understand each other better.
Couple sports are the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. Now you know that, for example, at 21 minutes he has a second wind, and he is generally closer to the split than you. It remains to envy myself and brag to friends.
4. Strengthen relationships.
According to numerous studies, playing sports together increases the romantic attraction of partners to each other. During physical exertion, the body experiences physiological symptoms similar to those that occur when falling in love: heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, sweat appears, and a rush of endorphins begins. On an unconscious level, the partner will perceive these manifestations as renewed or intensified romantic feelings, which will affect the relationship in the best possible way.
5. Spend time together.
If your schedule of free time is extremely short, then you constantly need to choose what to give up this time for the sake of meeting with your loved one, and the fitness room over and over again falls into the ignore list. Playing sports together will be a good alternative to spending time together, and the benefits will exceed all expectations. First, you will strengthen the relationship. Second, you will have another common interest. And finally, thirdly, a good and fit figure will be a bonus not only for you.
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