Love is very patient for a long time, love knows how to wait and be merciful. Unfortunately, quite often love loses its meaning and becomes just ordinary words on paper, spoken out of habit. However, it is more important not just to hear the words of love, but above all to feel it, to know that you are not alone on this planet. It is likely that when a person has thoughts like these flying around in his head, he feels happy and spiritualized.
It happens quite often that a person meets love, which becomes the love of his life. Without a doubt, this gift is from above, the gift of loving a person and being with him, of carrying his feelings together through the years and decades. Loving people are very wise people, they know how to take care not only of themselves, but also of others. They listen and hear the person. A loving person does not squander their time in petty, insignificant domestic quarrels.
Love is the light in the soul, which is able to give life the meaning it needs, to bring bright colors to it. But the gift of love is a very fragile gift. Love does not come without difficulties. It is very good when two lovers know this, when they understand it and do everything to be together. They have, above all, a great trust in each other, as well as an overwhelming desire to make the other half feel good. Sometimes this is done to the detriment of their beliefs and interests. However, these are small things. Love is a union of two, sometimes very different and dissimilar people who look the same way and do not try to impose their view of the world on the other person. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to look in the same direction, even if they are different. In that situation it is necessary to find a compromise or one of the lovers must give in.
Love cannot be described in words. It's an incredible thing that is, at times, difficult to understand. And you don't have to. The most important thing is to feel it at least once in your life, to witness its birth in your soul.
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