We are all taught from childhood that it is good and right to get married, have children and live with your husband until a happy old age. However, human relationships are not mathematics, and there is no one right solution for everyone. It happens that the right answer to the task that life has set before us is precisely divorce. But how difficult it is at times to make such a decision! How to know when to divorce your husband? Nobody will give correct and unequivocal advice in such a situation. However, there are points to pay attention to before taking (or not taking) the plunge.
- Many women continue to “change,” “save the marriage,” and use other disguises for the ugly truth at a time when they need to divorce their husbands and, moreover, for a long time. As a rule, these are families where domestic violence occurs, when a man beats his wife or children, drinks, and takes things out of the house.
-Sometimes a man is engaged in less noticeable to an outsider's gaze, but by no means harmless psychological violence, causing deep trauma to the woman's psyche. This is one of the situations when you need to divorce your husband as soon as possible, otherwise it will come out more dear to yourself. Constant anxiety, depression, depression is a rather alarming bell. The victim of psychological abuse is in an even more unenviable position than the victim of physical abuse, because it is not so easy to recognize him. It is important to understand that limiting communication with relatives and friends, bullying, humiliation, ignoring, constant criticism and accusations, manipulations with the aim of causing resentment or jealousy - all these are types of mental violence that destroy the personality.
-Time also matters. When did this question first pop up in your head - “when is it necessary to divorce your husband”? Just after a big fight? Or have you been thinking about it for several months (years)? How long have you been dissatisfied with the relationship and what has been done to change the situation? Yes, you can't glue the "broken cup" together, but did the cup really break, maybe it just fell and clinked loudly?
-Usually, a woman intuitively knows when to divorce her husband. But if she pulls, consults, looks for answers from psychologists, girlfriends and women's magazines, then there is a reason that makes her stay with this man. Try to list your reasons. What's this? Fear of not meeting anyone else and being alone? Financial insolvency? Worry about children? Lack of housing? Fear of losing the status of a married woman? Or the hope that you can still fix it and return to happy times? The likelihood that you will find the correct answer to your question already in the process of compiling such a list is very high.
-Another important aspect that has to be taken into account in making such a decision is children. Many women keep their families “for the sake of the children”, and then they reproach them for the whole life of their children, subconsciously demanding compensation for the years lost “for their sake”. But children don't need sacrifices. Children need happy parents. At whatever stage your relationship is - with stormy clarifications and scandals or quiet intelligent hatred and ignoring each other - if there is no peace of mind in the family, this will invariably affect the children. Even if you don’t tell them anything and assume that they don’t guess - children, like the most sensitive radars in the world, feel everything. They may not ask questions for fear of incurring your anger or upset, but they feel. And if their behavior, well-being and academic performance deteriorate, things have gone too far, and the situation requires resolution.
In any case, whatever your decision is - it is yours and no one else's. You alone are responsible for it. Therefore, try to carefully weigh the pros and cons, change everything that can be changed and accept everything that cannot be changed.
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