Losing love is akin to losing faith. These are probably the closest concepts.
id: 10046332

Losing Love is akin to losing Faith. These are probably the closest concepts.
And those who once truly loved, as well as those who were truly able to get closer to faith, are afraid to be left without their important components. Although, in fact, this is impossible. Because, one has only to touch such things, and life will never be the same. A person can never be subsequently filled with a surrogate if he once tasted the Present. Further, he will look at the world only through the prism of Love or Faith.
Therefore, it is believed that Love only once. It's like entering another (new) dimension. You won't be able to walk here and there. You will enter once and will not come back, because you have already seemed to be reborn. As if you went out on land and lost your "gills" and you are no longer able to swim in muddy water.
The search for Love in us is inherent in the same way as the desire for self-improvement is inherent in us. And there is no Love without spiritual rebirth.
So many people, burning and burning, rush to this call, precisely because not answering it means going against oneself. And nature skillfully uses this for "reproducing itself". But if the instincts would have been enough for nature, then the striving for the higher comes from Heaven itself.
Love and Faith are a crucible for the purification and melting of the human soul. They always go hand in hand with moral improvement.

Now, unfortunately, only the scenery around is improving. The spiritual is rapidly becoming obsolete. They tell me that the world has become more progressive. But I don’t think that internal positive movement will so much hinder progress in general. Yes, it is possible that progress will change direction, but it will never stall. After all, a person needs development.
