Love or money?
id: 10047138

Money is a term that is very important in our life. This makes us dependent, pushes us to actions that we may not want to do. If you are hungry, you almost never think about spiritual wealth. Your stomach dictates to you how to organize your day. It's great when you don't feel the need for money and can buy anything you want. But in the event that this is not enough, and you do not have enough money, you will agree to something that you really do not like to do. Everyone feels love throughout their life. Some people fall in love only once, but most of them are able to love several times.

It is inexplicable how we choose the object of our sympathy.
When we love a person, he seems to us the best in the universe. The two concepts of money and love cannot be mixed, because money does not affect our feelings. If it disappears, then perhaps the voice of reason will say that it is useless to love a poor person. As long as we love, we forgive our loved ones, giving them new opportunities and helping them in difficult situations. But this magical gift can be stopped in a minute. Some people believe that money is much more effective and profitable than love. But it's up to you whether you can live without one thing while having another. Very rarely do people enjoy both money in their pocket and love in their heart. Especially rich men prefer to join their capitals, they marry their own children, despite the lack of love between young people. It is terrible to sacrifice souls for the sake of wealth. However, this practice is widespread. In any case, none of the treasures of the world can buy love, because the true feeling is born deep inside. There are many examples in history that show the power of love and the weakness of money compared to the first. You can believe in it or not, but it exists. Moreover, she rules the world, bringing hope and joy to our lives.
