1. Collecting information
Whether you have decided on the country to which you want to go or not, this first step is the most important. To understand your capabilities and prospects, you need to have information. It is useful to read stories about what life looks like in the country of your interest from the inside. And also find a local person who can inform you about the matter, which will help you determine the direction where you really want to go. And if you already have a goal, you will get a more accurate picture of what may await you.
2. Assessment of your capabilities
You need to understand how ready you are to move so that the local authorities will accept you, for this you should assess your financial situation, knowledge of the language, proximity to the culture of local residents, etc.
3. Closing gaps
After evaluating your capabilities, you may find that something is not enough. This may be insufficient knowledge of the language and generally its absence, or you do not have the most demanded profession, not enough money, or something else. Does not matter. Everything can be tightened up, and the shortcomings can be corrected.
4. Preparing a strategy
If you have a dream, then it is better to rush headlong into its realization. It's time to think about what you will do there, where to work, how much money you need to move and for the first time until you get a job, which schools to send your children to, and so on.
If you have a dream, then you have the strength and potential to realize it. The main thing is to soberly look at the possibilities and act. This process seems scary only at the beginning, when you get involved, it becomes just steps and actions that you need to take.
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