The large age difference between lovers, as a rule, is perceived negatively by society. People assume that such an alliance is short-lived and is often built on financial gain. According to statistics, there are about 8% of such unions among officially registered marriages. As a rule, these are families in which wives are 10 years or more younger than their husbands. But families where a woman is older than a man is only 1%. If a woman is older than a man:
It is believed that such a union will be strong if the following conditions are met:
Both partners are satisfied that the leading role in the relationship belongs to the woman, since she has more life experience.
Both husband and wife are over 40 years old. It is assumed that after this age limit, the difference of 5–10 years becomes insignificant.
Such a marriage is usually successful, since both partners usually have approximately the same physiological characteristics: women live longer than men and are in better health. So a man, choosing a lady 5-10 years older than himself, actually only chooses a partner who is equal to him in physical parameters.
An equally important aspect in a relationship is romantic. Women are thought to peak physical attractiveness by the age of 30, and men are said to have a “burst of hormones” at age 18. Therefore, a young man may be more interested in an older woman, since their sensual desires are more likely to coincide. Marriages in which a man is older than a woman: Such marriages are much more common and especially common among wealthy people. A young partner attracts an adult man with freshness and naivety, and a mature man for a young girl is a support, protection and usually provides the material side of her life.
The weak point here may be the desire of the young partner to have fun, while her husband wants peace and stability. In addition, since women statistically live longer than men, with a very large age gap, the marriage may not last very long.
For men in such a union there is a big plus: their life expectancy increases by 20% compared to those who have little or no age difference with their spouses. In addition, the satisfaction index of these husbands literally rolls over. Most likely, this is due to the physical attractiveness and energy of the partner. Regardless of the age of partners, the success of a relationship is determined by how similar their goals, life positions and values are. The reality is that the age of the partners has little effect on marriage and it all depends on how the husband and wife behave, how much they trust each other and how much they coincide in far-reaching plans. Have you had any experience with someone older or younger than you? Tell us about the problems you faced and the advantages of such a relationship? Despite the age, I wish everyone love and happiness, because love has no age
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