🔺 ️ Inability to listen
Women's conversations are too emotional for men, as women tend to say too many words. Do you get seasick at the tenth minute of her monologue, and you miss the meaning of her words? Are you pretending to listen, and you are thinking how to end the conversation as soon as possible?
Most women perceive a man's unwillingness to listen and give feedback as indifference. "If he doesn't care what I tell him, then he doesn't care about me either," the average woman concludes.
Do you want to keep her close? My advice to you, be sure to listen to her, ask questions, offer options, sympathize.
If you have urgent business at the moment, and there is no time to listen to her, say something like: "Dear, we will definitely talk about this, on Thursday at nine o'clock." And exactly at this time, not a minute later, get ready for her inflections.
🔺 Rudeness
Do you think that brutality gives your person charm in the eyes of a woman? This is not true. It offends, scares and angers her.
Any woman unconsciously perceives rough treatment, outbursts of rage and anger as a threat to herself. If, after your rude antics, she is still near you, know that this is not because of love, but out of fear or self-interest.
Love and aggression cannot coexist in a relationship. Either love will make you softer, or aggression will kill love. Do not allow yourself to yell at her and threaten her. Never raise your hand to her! If you do or say something in anger, you will regret it later. But what was done and said will forever remain in her memory and destroy the relationship. Treat your woman as something very expensive and fragile. Be afraid to break it.
She is a professional" killer " of relationships, a destroyer of even the most durable unions. Of course, we are talking about unconstructive criticism, when you, plus or minus, rudely point out to your friend the shortcomings of her appearance, incompetence or mental insufficiency.
Perhaps it seems to you from the outside that you are doing a good thing – trying to help her become better. But in fact, everything turns out differently. It is especially risky to criticize a woman in front of strangers: even if she does not leave you immediately after that, such a thought will increasingly visit her head.
🔺Ignoring interests and desires
The desire to subdue a woman, the desire to control her in everything, is usually characteristic of insecure men with the habits of a domestic tyrant.
Remember: the leadership of a man is not in subjugating a woman, but in making her voluntarily want to obey him. Do you feel the difference?
If you are prone to manipulation, believe that blackmail or threats are the norm in a relationship, perhaps you should reconsider your views. At least – to talk about it with a psychologist.
🔺 Consumer attitude
A woman is not a tool for sexual satisfaction, solving domestic or material problems. You should not be near her just because you are comfortable or comfortable. Such a parasitic attitude will sooner or later lead to her disappointment in you. In fact: what is the point of being next to someone who consumes your energy and time, without giving anything in return?
If you don't love her, let her go. Do not use it until you meet someone who you really like. It's not fair. Let her live her life!
🔺Shifting responsibility to the partner
Quite often, men brought up by an overly caring or domineering mother are subconsciously looking for a "mom" who will take care of him in the same way as his own mother.
Perhaps, at first, an infantile man will really be lucky, and his girlfriend, "turning on" the maternal instinct (which they all have), will take on all leadership functions. But how long will it last? After all, she expects care and attention from a man, a mother's son is hardly able to give it.
🔺Prohibition on the manifestation of emotions
For women, the exchange of energies and emotions in a couple is very important. Being by nature less emotional, many men do not consider it important to express their feelings. And we are talking not only about love or admiration for a partner, but also about others-sadness, sadness, fear, and so on.
It is worth understanding: it is really important for your second half what is going on in your soul! She will not consider you less courageous because you admit to your fears or mental injuries. On the contrary: for her, it will be a confirmation of your trust in her.
🔺 ️ Uncontrolled jealousy
In a relationship, everything should be in moderation, including jealousy. If you suspect your lady of cheating for no reason, then the problem is most likely not in her, but in you.
Perhaps these are problems with your self-esteem, or perhaps it is a negative experience experienced earlier. If you let your jealousy break out, you turn from a partner and lover into a supervisor. What do you think, what kind of desire will arise in a woman? Of course, escape from this prison!
🔺 Lack of knowledge about women
There are certain features, both in physiology and in psychology, that distinguish women from men. And it would be nice to at least know about them at least superficially. Fortunately, most modern men are aware of what PMS is and how it affects women's emotions. But there are other nuances, features of female sexuality, for example. Or the peculiarities of female intelligence (do you know that it is strongly "involved" in emotions?).
If you learn more about the differences in thinking and behavior, then there will be much less conflicts in your couple. You will be able to take better care of your partner.
🔺Delaying the hour "X"
Sooner or later, any woman thinks that the relationship has already matured to move into a new quality. And this means that it's time for a man to make a decision: is he ready for a new level of responsibility? If you are asked a question about this head-on, you should not shirk or blurt out the problem. This will disappoint your friend and make her think about whether she has overestimated you too much. Decide for yourself whether you are ready for a new stage, and talk about it with your partner.
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