We pass through a lot of people in our life, but few people fall into our hearts and remain. We often ask the question "Why him?" and " Why her?". I believe that this is fate...The coincidence of your thoughts, characters, a special attraction between people. An accident? Of course not! Even if each meeting seems to us the result of a chain of unforeseen coincidences, there is always a certain set of criteria in our soul that we cannot consciously formulate, but which, nevertheless, determine our choice.
Everyone has different search criteria, choosing their partner, and everyone uses different methods...It has always been believed that men should take the first steps, but now we can meet a thousand examples when a woman takes the first step. Including on this site, we can be the first to make contact, hoping to meet our only one here. Is it possible? Absolutely! But each of us has special criteria, and the most important thing in virtual communication is honesty and openness to each other.
Someone finds, someone loses....So what is it?
We could have lost people close to us, who seemed to us to be loved, but is this so? Everyone goes through their own life path in their own way, and probably, in the realities of modern relations, we can make mistakes, and give ourselves to the wrong people, but whom we consider ideal for ourselves. There may come a time when your paths will diverge...Does it change your personality after that? Unreasonable expectations break the heart, because the expected bright future collapses along with the relationship. How did you deal with your past breakup?
I will want to continue this topic, because it is very important and certainly concerns this dating resource.
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