And no, it's not visible in the eyes, not at all. This is all revealed in actions. In relation to. It's not about beautiful phrases, but about actions. A loving person has no excuses. He is always ready to come to your aid. There is no concept of selfishness in love. When they love, they want to give more than they receive. I think that's the beauty of it. You think about the other person more than about yourself, and you do everything to make his life brighter. You respect his decisions, accept his opinion and stop thinking only about yourself. You are happy with everything that happens to him and saddened by his failures. But you are always ready to support and come in a difficult moment, because he is everything for you. You don't dare insult when you love. Because you chose this person yourself and you don't dare regret it. No, you don't idealize him, but you accept him as he is. You're not trying to change it. And also, when you love, you are ready to let go. Because the decision of a loved one to leave is stronger for you than your own desire for him to stay with you.
They love you because they love you. Love does not recognize arguments.
When you love, you enjoy any word spoken from the mouth of an adored person. You are happy that he just exists. It's about moments. You can see him. Talk. Hear. And it brings such euphoria into your life. Such a tiny happiness. And you no longer feel sad that you can't be his soul mate. You give everything of yourself and in friendly relations. You appreciate any sign of attention and this is exactly what your little joys are. You are open to love. And do you know what the most wonderful thing about this is? You really do. Mutually or not reciprocally, no, that's not the point. It's about the feeling that you are able to do more for someone than for yourself. And do not expect anything in return.
To love a person, you don't have to be close to him. It is enough only to occasionally look at his photo and know that everything is fine with him.Nothing prevents us from loving. If only we ourselves prevent it. We run away, hide or deny. We are afraid that we will not be accepted. They won't love you. And the worst thing is the inability to love yourself. And we ourselves invent eternal suffering or anxiety for ourselves. We drive and leave. And happiness is so close. love makes us live. It inspires us to this life, to the best that is hidden inside us. This is the power of love.
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