You look at how the sea changes: now it is calm blue, then it suddenly becomes agitated and becomes dark blue or emerald green, and immediately an innumerable herd of white sheep will run across its endless plain — and suddenly it begins to seem that the sea is a living, sensitive by nature, wise being. How long it lives and how much it knows! The music of the Cosmos can be heard in the splash of its waves.
I remember an early summer morning. The sun had barely risen. The sea is calm. A light mist over the mirror surface. The horizon line is not visible. Both the sea and the sky are one. The sky is at the edge of the shore. The sky is at your very feet!
Have you seen the sea at night? When the scattered stars are reflected in the sky with joy in the sea that is tired for the day? They love to admire themselves! And at this time, be sure to go to the sea, so as not to miss the chance to touch the stars, and when you touch it, you will feel that you have bathed in the universe, filled with thoughts about the life of distant galaxies. When you go ashore, do not rush to wipe yourself, soak up the night breeze with salty drops, filled with the delicious aroma of fragrant lavender, honey melons and sweet peaches. And throwing back your head, you will disappear into the ringing stars, while suddenly feeling the tender kiss of the sea with your bare feet.
I love the sea when it is calm, like a huge mirror that has no end in sight. I love it when a light breeze will carry away the sleepy haze, and from the dissatisfaction that he was woken up, it will be covered with small ripples.
But most of all I love the sea in a storm, when the west wind blows, and the water suddenly becomes agitated, bubbling and foaming, playing with the wind gaining strength. And now the waves in a frenzied race crash with a noise on the gentle sandy shore and smash to pieces on the rocky one; at the very shore, the waves rise in white crests, leaving foam on the sand.
A big wave like a beautiful woman. It is impossible to look at it enough and it is scary to approach it.
That's how I fell in love with windsurfing. I wanted to beat the wave, to feel like a queen!
How to feel your superiority over the elements-one on one? Is it possible for a fragile woman who wanted to conquer Neptune?- so I thought, raising the sail once again .
At first, I couldn't even, to be honest, understand how windsurfing works. How to snowboard, skate, how the legs work, the position of the body — it was all clear. But in windsurfing, you see a person rushing on a board, holding a sail in his hands, and suddenly he is already in the air doing some trick, as the sail lifts him up: spinning, sliding, dancing with the sail. I was very interested and curious. I naively thought that it was super easy, now I will go learn and in two weeks I will do the same. I'm still learning! Ten years have passed.
The biggest waves were in Mauritius and reached 8 meters. Then I already knew how to do a lot. But I was afraid. A chill of fear went down my back and settled in my heels. I couldn't get into the water. It was really scary. Thanks to the guys, I saw how they quickly flew into the water …
And envy overcame fear. I ran after them into the terrible mouth of the sea.
The sail flapped from the wind, I set a course. An invisible force viciously grabbed me and threw me up! But it was too late - I found a foothold, I rode the wave! And how the sea did not rage – I was on top! I was upstairs! The intoxicating sweetness of victory! Every salty moment, a gust of wind echoed in my heart and I won it all!
I want a big one, it's like a drug. Victory brings victory and I will go higher.
Windserrs are also conquered by big waves. I hope my wave is still ahead.
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