People may be dependent on the opinion of parents, friends, or other significant persons or authorities. They ask someone for advice and accept their point of view as the only true one. Then they hear a second opinion and agree with it, completely changing their point of view to the opposite one. And when they hear a third position, they accept it as well, rejecting all previous arguments.
A person may be physically mature enough, but with a completely dependent childlike psyche. For example, an adult is constantly concerned about what others think of him and how he is evaluated, what people say about him in the collective or how his wife's girlfriends discuss him. Such people are very afraid that their clothes or attitudes will be inappropriate. And they form their own point of view by aligning themselves with the majority, without considering whether this coincides with their inner feelings.
The problem of separation is very common in today's society. The difficulties of becoming socially, emotionally, and morally mature are familiar to many, and there is nothing tragic about that. It is important to make an effort, using all the resources that the modern world offers, and to mature one's personality to soberly assess advice, different concepts and beliefs, other people's views and opinions.
Only by forming one's own mature, independent personality can one fully realize oneself in society, in relationships, and in life.
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