The taboo on the friendship of men and women grows on a soil sown by stereotypes. Many of us from childhood as if programmed to be friends with girls, to be wary of boys, while looking for a life partner in every cute representative of the opposite sex. It is difficult to refuse the attitude, but think of at least one example of a great and pure friendship - Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. For nineteen years they have supported each other no worse than they once did on the bow of the Titanic.
A male friend is a guide to the world of men, he will help you to understand a lot and not to spoil your nerves and relationships with excessive mistrust. He will make an honest compliment and not give a girlfriend in love to look for hidden meanings where there is none, he will help choose a car service or a laptop (there are girls who know technique no worse, but let's be honest: they are still less). Talking about the issues or relationships, you like a disassembled construction set in front of a friend, and he helps sketch a plan, as of this set to build a car, house, business ... Also, the guys often manage to look at things with an amazingly sober mind, even if not always sober. And a special thanks to them for teaching us not to spoil whiskey with Coke.
In order for the relationship with a friend to last even after his wedding, he should talk to the woman he loves, explain the relationship between the two of you. It will not be difficult for a smart man to explain and understand. After all, if he is with her, it is clear that you are a friend. So the friendship between a man and a woman exists, and today's blurring of gender roles is good for it. After all, as one wise man said, a friend is not a gender, a friend is a person.
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