we choose a wife for life. 7 goals of a reliable marriage?
id: 10046106

To find a decent woman and get married properly, you need to take this seriously. Choosing the right wife is not an easy task with consequences. Not everyone knows how to choose a wife to make married life happy.
What is important to know
Marriage is a kind of contract that must be properly concluded. But it is difficult to do this when you are emotionally ill and sick with love. Therefore, you should turn on the brain to be guided by reason. To do this, it is important not to forget about the goals of your marriage •
* Minimize the possibility of divorce
* blackmail each other with a child.
* Get mutual satisfaction from marital, family and parental responsibilities with your spouse.
* Instill in children respect for their parents.
* Raise children as worthy members of society and give them an education.
* Relax at home from communicating with your family.
* to know that your wife is your rear
If the wife meets these goals, then she should be an attractive woman who can comfort her husband. They should not be "independent", domineering and have a male character, like a leader.
Some psychologists advise when choosing a life partner to take an example from millionaires who choose a company for investment.
When choosing a wife, you need to follow the same approach as millionaires who choose a company in which they want to invest their money.

When choosing a company to invest in, millionaires do not trust their choice to chance. They study the company well, taking into account all the pros and cons, only after that they make decisions. At the same time, they sign a contract, having previously studied it, having familiarized themselves with all the pros and cons.

So, when making a decision about marriage, you should do it not only out of custom or love for her, but also get acquainted with all the disadvantages and positive sides. Only then will the solution be balanced.
Marriage should be traditionally old-fashioned. The husband is the boss, captain. The wife is a subordinate, the first assistant. This is a traditional marriage. If the opposite is true, then the marriage can end with alimony and meeting with the children once a week every weekend. Marriage is a serious decision. Before you plunge into it with your head, you should make sure that you know how to "swim"well.

now you know what is important in marriage, and you will be able to choose a woman who will exactly match your goals in marriage!
