The dog is the most loyal pet. She will never let her master down, only he, too, must treat his furry friend responsibly. Dogs have been considered a friend of man for many generations, they are always with us. It must be remembered that dogs are not indifferent to the fact that they do not have an owner or he pays them little attention.
There are cases when the owners left for a while and left their four-footed friend with neighbors. So my neighbors decided to go to the sea, and they left us a dog named Dina. Once they left, the pet's behavior changed completely. The dog refused to take food, lay on the rug with its tail between its legs, was sad ... When the owner arrived, she was so glad that she did not know how to express her delight: she barked loudly, jumped on the owner, put her head on his lap, happily ate the treat from his hands ...
Dogs are very attached to their owners, and they do not care about the status of a person in society. They still love their people very much. A doggie can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is only necessary to walk with him in time, feed, do not forget to pay attention, stroking the head. He will cheer you up when you need to be able to serve slippers, will always wait and rejoice at the arrival of the owner.
Anyone who has such a hairy friend can consider himself a happy person. You will have a reliable defender who can always be trusted. But do not forget to take care of your dog, and it will become your loyal friend for many years.
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