How does a man like???
id: 10044364

I just know myself very well, I study myself, I observe my reactions.
We all have the same nature, let psychologists shoot themselves, proving the opposite, but we are the same! THE SAME!

We are one big herd, living according to social laws. And most people pay attention to the social signs of love.

I want you to start paying attention to the NATURAL laws of love and our physiology.

This is what the basis of the article will be based on-on human nature.
So, what are the signs of a man who really really loves a woman?

1. He is nearby.

2. He speaks directly about love.

3. He knows how to forgive.

4. He thinks a lot about a woman.


6. He does not offend (does not humiliate, does not insult, etc.)

7. Cares!

8. Admires and admires a woman.

9. Avoids other women.

10. Blows away dust particles.

Carefully, read the signs of a loving man again. Oh, how beautiful they sound! How I want to believe in this pink fairy tale, because it is so beautiful!
