Hello everybody!
I recently drew up a case plan for the next two months.
It turned out quite a long list) And I asked myself, when to live ?! We always put off life and drown in the routine of everyday life. When we are very young, it seems to us that all life is still ahead. As if our life is planned for next week, or next month, or maybe next year ...
But at one point comes the realization that we are not so young, and the planned life has not come ...
And here begins the worst - PANIC ... Life is about to end, and I have not done much !!! And at this point it is important to accept the situation, to rethink everything. It can take a long time!
And then one day you wake up and do not do everything by inertia, but you start LIVING every second and enjoying everything around you ... You enjoy breakfast with your daughter, listen to her interesting thoughts, catch the rays of the sun, notice the beauty of fall in the window, which it's just mesmerizing ... This is probably the beginning of life ... When you stop and don't hurry, you just live!
It is difficult to come to this truth, but it is possible.
And it doesn't matter how old you are now ... If my words have responded to you, then your life can begin now, at this very moment!
Find strength, desire and do not miss your moment to feel the true taste of life ... It is the only one and you will not be able to scroll through the second round, no one has managed to do it ...
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