Motivation is a system of internal and external motives that make a person act in a certain way.
At first glance, this is something abstract and distant, but without this, neither desires nor the joy of their realization are possible. And indeed, even a trip will not bring happiness to someone who does not want to go there.
Motivation is related to our interests and needs. That is why it is individual. It also determines the aspirations of the individual and at the same time is due to its psychophysiological properties.
The key concept of motivation is a motive. This is an ideal (not necessarily existing in the material world) object, the achievement of which is aimed at the activity of the individual.
For example, the desire to attract attention with extravagant clothes is designed to close the urgent need for love and belonging, which is typical for insecure people.
The motive differs from the goal in that the goal is the result of the activity, and the motive is its cause.
The need is cognitive.
The motive is an interest in reading (most often on a certain topic).
The goal is new impressions, the pleasure of following the plot, etc.
To more specifically present your own motivation, answer the questions:
Why am I doing anything?
What needs do I want to satisfy?
What results do I expect and how are they significant for me?
What makes me act in a certain way?
In the next blog, I will tell you what motivates me!💖✨
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