Love is a gift from Destiny, which not everyone is lucky enough to receive. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between love and just sympathy, enthusiasm, interest in a person. Therefore, it is so important not to miss, notice, respond ...
The psychology of love is the realm of the unknown, the favorite topic of thousands of poets, novelists and even scientists. Many great minds tried to comprehend the nature and essence of human love, but no one succeeded to the end.
The actions of a person in love cannot be fully explained by any scientist or psychologist. Love does not obey the laws of logic and reason. The lover is a mystery and at the same time a challenge for science.
The laws of the psychology of love are always more complex, multifaceted, more diverse. To build relationships correctly, not to attach importance to unnecessary trifles, not to miss the main thing, to remove the secondary from communication - this is the psychology of love.
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