Just start looking for the good – in the world, in people, in things, in circumstances...
id: 10044831

We easily share negativity - where we were offended, where we were deprived, where they were rude, where they did not understand. At the same time, we absolutely do not remember those who opened the door to us, gave way to the queue or just smiled.

We collect all sorts of nasty stuff – on TV, the Internet, social networks. Who was imprisoned, who was killed, who was deceived, who was divorced. It's not even necessary to look for it – it sells better, so all the newspapers and media are full of it. Few people are interested in families who live peacefully and happily, give birth to children and love each other. It's hard to find them right away.

And then all this negativity needs to be put somewhere. It tears apart our soul, which is not designed to store all sorts of garbage. And we start complaining. On the government, taxes, prices, roads, neighbors, bosses, husbands, children.... The one who turned up at hand. A random traveling companion. A friend who was met on the street. A friend. Mom. To my husband. Children. No matter.

So can you stop collecting negativity in the world? Maybe it's worth reprogramming your sieve so that only joyful news is collected in it? Maybe start rejoicing? Enjoy what we have. Be happy that something good has happened?

Stop complaining about the country and the government. We have exactly what we deserve. Such a country, such roads. Nothing will change from transfusion from empty to empty. The world can change only if there are more contented and happy people in it. You can live in this country. It has its advantages. For example, the fact that no one cares about many of us. That our neighbors are not knocking on us, we have not yet massively taken away children, we have room for business development. And our people are sincere, sincere. Yes, traumatized. Yes, a little embittered. But in fact they are very kind and sensitive. If you allow them to show these qualities.

Stop complaining about the boss. What they deserved, they got. There will be no sense in washing his dirty laundry. There are no perfect people on this earth. But this person pays you a salary, which means that he cares about you. You would, of course, like more and better. But it's not up to us to decide. And it is impossible to get into his place until you learn to respect him.

Stop discussing everyone around. Do your own life, and not watch TV shows of other people's lives. Who is with whom, who is with whom, who is where. To condemn the rich – you will never become rich yourself. To discuss the famous is never to succeed in life, in anything. To condemn family people is never to have family happiness. Judging those who stumbled is the most terrible thing. Because when you stumble – and in this world everyone stumbles – no one will give you a hand. Living someone else's life seems to be safer and more interesting. But it's hopeless. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself. And to see the good in people. Even when it's not good enough. It's still there.

Stop complaining about your parents and your childhood. Let's be honest. Our childhood grievances are often sucked out of the finger. Yes, we were rarely told about love, they tried to remake it. But most of us grew up in ordinary families. Where they were fed. Dressed, taught. My generation is not familiar with post-war devastation, famine, repression. Much of what our parents went through has passed us by. And it was scarier many times. And we have been worried for thirty years because of a tractor that was not bought for us. Or because of parental criticism. Loved as they could and could. They didn't leave, they didn't have an abortion, they didn't starve. Given life. And thanks for that!

Stop complaining about children. We love them so much, but even with such love, we complain. Sleeps poorly, eats poorly, does garbage, is not interested in sports. He is friends with no one, studies poorly, fights, does not obey. The playground is sometimes such a huge concentration of mom's whining. No wonder the kids don't listen to us. They are also people. They feel how we treat them. They hear these complaints. And everyone understands – already from the cradle. See their strengths. Be able to tolerate their whims, crises, difficulties. Don't make them the cause of all your troubles. Someone does not have children at all, they pray, dream, undergo painful operations. Do not anger God - appreciate the little suns who have come to you!

Stop reading everything that fills you with negativity. Read only what inspires. Watch what helps you to be happy. Communicate in a way that makes everyone who takes part in this conversation happier. Listen to what brings joy and optimism.

And become the sun yourself. Such a sun that brings only good and love to the world. If you focus on the positive, the negative will go away by itself. You won't even notice. And the accumulated joys can and should be shared. Be happy for friends, for acquaintances, for strangers, for relatives. Inspire others to change their lives by example. Inspire your children to live a happier life. Inspire your husband to be a man even when it's not easy. Allow yourself to be happy for no reason. Just because you are.

Go outside and enjoy the weather. Rain leads to good harvests. The sun warms and instills joy. Be happy with the people you meet on the way. Little miracles that happen all the time. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy life.

Yes, it's not easy, Yes, there will be inertia. Yes, not everyone will understand you. Yes, you will sometimes really want to whine. But it's in your hands. You can handle it. You can. You can do it if you want to. Just start looking for the good – in the world, in people, in things, in circumstances. Look for the good and enjoy it. Like little kids do.

To increase the amount of joy in this world, which lacks happy people the most. People who appreciate what they have. So become such a person and change the world for the better! Right now!
