Others' and our own misdeeds
id: 10044831

This is probably due to the fact that we know all the circumstances that caused them, and therefore forgive ourselves what we do not forgive others.

We try not to think about our shortcomings, and when we are forced to, we easily find excuses for them. Most likely, this should be done: after all, flaws are part of our nature, and we must accept the bad in ourselves along with the good. But we judge others based not on what we are, but on a certain idea of ourselves that we have created, excluding from it everything that hurts our self-esteem.

Let's take the most elementary example: we are indignant if we catch someone in a lie; but who among us has not lied, and moreover hundreds of times?

We are saddened to find that people are weak and petty, dishonest or selfish, depraved, vain or intemperate. I don't see much difference between people. They are all a mixture of the great and the small, of virtues and vices, of nobility and baseness. Others have more strength of character or more opportunities, so they can give more will to one or another of their instincts, but potentially they are all the same. I myself do not consider myself either better or worse than most people, but I know that if I told about all the actions I have done in my life and about all the thoughts that were born in my brain, I would be considered a monster.

I don't understand how people have the guts to condemn others when they only have to look back at their own thoughts...
