So that you and your loved one do not have to be bored in bed, it never hurts to add fire and creativity to the relationship!
What your beloved man wants from you is not difficult to guess. But what does he not want? There are things that can turn the most fervent feelings into a fading charred log. So what should you avoid in bed?
Silence is not gold
It is in the cinema that a man and a woman without words guess each other's desires, at the same time burning with passion. Many couples imitate this and are embarrassed to openly admit their sexual desires. Gradually, we turn sex into a silent set of poses. After all, the more you communicate, the closer you become to each other. It is no secret that silence and secrecy of feelings are valued in the male world. Often times, your partner refuses to talk to you about sex just because they feel vulnerable. Such a man will appreciate your delicacy in talking about sex. He just needs feedback, because this is the only way he will feel like a person who is understood. Meanwhile, understanding and attention is what is lacking even for the most advanced and modern macho. During the romantic period of acquaintance, you devoted all your time to each other. But after several weeks, and even more so months and years of life together, you are distracted from your beloved by work, hobby, friends or children. You get tired, you have no time for sex. For a man, because of this, it seems that you are giving all your attention to anyone, but not him. But once your heart fluttered just at the thought of it. It is not difficult to return wonderful moments - there would be a desire!
Do not be lazy, it will be useful!
Laziness and lethargy in a love relationship is a ticking time bomb. Remember the last time you dragged him into bed yourself, unbuttoning his shirt as you walked? Or is it usually the other way around? Perhaps you think that it doesn't matter whose initiative was. But the man thinks differently.
Initiative is the surest way to prove your attraction to your partner. And if you are too lazy to excite him and every time he starts the foreplay first, then over time he will think: does she want me or does she care and she doesn't need me?
Perhaps you are confident in the irresistibility of your charms and rely on them, and not on the activity of your hands and the tenderness of your lips? And having made up his lips brighter, unbuttoning his blouse lower and coquettishly winking at him with shaggy eyelashes, naively believe that he is ripe for sex? But a man is waiting for quite obvious actions: sexual kisses, affectionate strokes and a frank confession: "I want you, darling!"
If, indulging your laziness, you refer to urgent and urgent matters, when a loved one approaches you with unequivocal intentions, then, having received a refusal once or twice, he will soon stop expressing his desire.
Monotony is another surefire way to cool one another. The habit is given to us from above! Alas, we become victims of it even in intimate matters. And you are ready to repeat a certain set of actions over and over again according to the pattern “kiss, stroke, hug, squeeze. Until one day it stops working. "Oh, how is it, I did everything in order, as usual, but my beloved didn't start ?!" It's not about him, but about the routine, which is in no way capable of arousing sexual desire. Change the time, place, style of love relationships, sex games and love actions. Alternate between romantic, fun, passionate, aggressive, calm sex. Make an effort to this, because if men appreciated monotony, then the Kamasutra would not have had so many loyal fans over the centuries. Break stereotypes, always be different!
Forget shyness
Drops of healthy adventurism and recklessness should be present in each of us. Sometimes it's worth stepping over moral prohibitions and doing something bold. For some couples, one of the first sexual adventures is sex in a secluded corner of a public place. The danger of being caught adds to the poignancy. Another bold move is to tell your partner about your sexual fantasies. Or imagine that you are filming an erotic film together. Start small if you don't know for sure how your man will react. And get ready to treat new sensations with a healthy sense of humor.
Love fire without a schedule
Spontaneity in lovemaking is one of the forms of proof that you always want your man and are ready to put aside even important matters for his sake. Having spontaneous sex, your partner receives confirmation of his irresistibility and your love.
If you constantly look for cute trifles and small gifts for your loved one and give them at least once a week, then he will always feel needed and not ignored by your attention.
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