Stop the moment....
id: 10048723

If you look at the world around you, the first thing that catches your eye is the rush. We are all in a hurry, we come to work and wait for the time to fly by and the working day ends. We are in a hurry and try to do everything as quickly as possible, grow up quickly, finish school faster , quickly pass exams at the university. In the hustle and bustle we have forgotten what the melody of rain is, rustle of leaves, sounds of the first snow. Stop .. Do you remember the smile of your mother? Can you remember the happiest moments of your childhood? Sometimes it seems that happiness is a financial success, a new car, a nice repair in your house, new expensive shoes. We are all very wrong- happiness is moments, pictures stoped in our memory, happiness is the moments that we spent with our dear to heart people, this is the silence of Christmas morning, when you drink coffee and stare at the snow while everyone is still asleep. It is in our power to stop the moment, call the parents, help the sister learn a verse, just talk to the neighbor. Stop, make coffee and drink it to the accompaniment of Puccini's music. Take the time and go to the museum, touch the eternal genea frozen on the canvas. Stop the hustle and bustle and Spice up your life by reading a book, listening to classical music, flipping through almanacs dedicated to great artists. Sometimes just stop and be silent. Happiness is not fuss or rush. Happiness is silence. Stop the moment and just enjoy life itself!
