Don't see the best, become the best!
id: 10040334

People can't live without a special feeling called love. When you are lonely, you do not receive enough hormones to support your health. Love is useful for your physical body and spirit. When people date or get married, they understand each other deeply, provide each other with sensitive support during difficult times, and help each other savor the good times. Ideally, they may have a good sexual life. If people do not want to get married, they may choose any kind of a relationship they like: living together without marriage, child-free relationship, just dating, traveling together, or friendship with benefits. Most people prefer getting married or long-lasting dating because all of us need stability and safety. We seek not just love but mutual personal development; we want our soulmates to help us explore our emotions and feelings, partners who bring out our best, most authentic selves. It seems the quality of many marriages is more strongly linked to how happy we are overall than it was in previous decades! What conclusion can we make? Marriage seems to have become more central to our lives and to our happiness. We need to find our identity in a relationship, not just a guarantee you will have kids and next generations will thank you for the heritage. We want to be unique personalities in love with someone special. Don't look for a secret recipe of love, try to become a better version of yourself!
