Strong women are not afraid of loneliness
Strong women do not hate men, do not despise marriage, and do not try to suppress any manifestation of flirtation. A strong woman, like any other woman, is happy to be in a serious, balanced, reliable and unwavering relationship, extolled by American soap operas and teenage girls. But if they are not, a strong woman will not get depressed or lament another failed romance. It's quite able to get along on their own: without his financial contributions, without his participation in raising a child, without his gifts for the New Year and March 8, without his complaints about the boring, you see, work, without his complaints about the wrong dish for dinner, without his soccer in the evenings and his ubiquitous mom. And, of course, without the sighs: "Well, how can I now without him?
Strong women can work not by vocation.
Strong woman, unlike everyone else, realizes that popular social networking statements like "Make a hobby your job, and you never have to work again" - nonsense. Because sooner or later there comes a time when even the most beloved work becomes a challenge - because of fatigue, feeling unwell, annoying colleagues, an office that is not feng shui or a full moon. And this is normal. There is no need to suffer and make the black stripe in your life even darker. Strong women know the secret: inspiration comes during work, not before it starts. Or does not come. But either way, you have to do something to move on.
Strong women are not influenced by fashion
It's not that strong women are such wimps with perpetually disheveled hair, who are against beauty, as vegetarians against meat. They, like all members of the fair sex, are not devoid of love for aesthetics, they also sometimes want a new dress, change the color of their hair or spend money on obscenely expensive and absolutely useless stiletto shoes, which may never fit the occasion. Nevertheless, for women whose day is scheduled by the minute, from six in the morning and ending with a nap on a laptop somewhere deep past midnight, the exciting world of trends in moonlight manicures, lipsticks in shades of magenta and matching the fragrance with jewelry - some incomprehensible parallel reality. Like life in Alaska - you know it exists, but you have no idea how.
Strong women envy weak women
It's certainly worth acknowledging the fact that strong women are a bit dismissive of weak women just because they're actually jealous of them. Yes, sometimes a strong woman is fascinated by the ease of being and the measured pace of life of young ladies who brag about going to work just to show off a new dress. After all, there is a husband for everything else.
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