Of course, women, like men, have learned to sublimate their energy, to be realized in creativity, work and other spheres of life. They have learned to earn and support themselves, and often children, and sometimes no worse than men can do.But it still does not work to remove the topic of relations from the agenda. We're so weird.
I don't want to hide behind the beautiful expression "I just love him (her) (or just Lee) and I can't live without her (him)." It sounds tempting, but it seems to me that many people hide behind this phrase either ignorance of the answer to this question or cover (fill) the inner emptiness and their own inadequacy. What does "I can't" mean. He (she) what is it for you: an oxygen cushion or an airbag? Or maybe a crutch? Or a means to escape from the obsessive guardianship of parents? Or maybe a pass to the community "everything is like people"? Probably there can be a lot of options and no one says that they do not have the right to exist.
The first thing that comes: it's more interesting together, not easier, not more fun, but more interesting. I imagined traveling alone. It's also good to be filled with impressions, to enjoy new places, unfamiliar dishes and interesting people, but if you can share it at the same time, it's cool. And immediately everything becomes much more: both joy and pleasure and much more, for example, clarification of relationships, disputes: and what is better? Life becomes even more full and interesting. Even conflicts – they, in my opinion, do not impoverish, but fill life. It's like in paints for drawing: you can't do just white.
And of course we need a person next to whom we can be ourselves: different, not perfect. And who accepts and loves us so differently and to whom we are such imperfect roads and valuable.
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