Names of many Ukrainian and Russian ladies are unknown to people who live abroad. Many of these ladies' names have an English variation, but some do not have any. Some of these variations have a softer, more personal attitude to the speaker. For example, any Russian name that ends with the suffix (ochka) implies a greater level of personal attitude – Oksana – OksanochkaJ (much more pleasant to hear).
It should be remembered that when a man is trying to get to know a lady from Ukraine or Russia, he should always refer to her in a more formal way to start with. This means using the main derivative of the name e.g. Ekaterina, not Katya. If the lady says it's okay to be less formal, then you should acquiesce to her request, but don't be too informal too quickly. It's generally not the custom))
Now, dear men, I want to help you to impress and surprise your lady)) It is Saint Valentine's day soon, so you may really show your love and nice attitude to your lady:)
Write the name of your beauty in a different way and she will be so happy!
Here are some example (I hope you have found the name of your lovely lady. if not ask me and I may help you):
Alyona - Alyonushka, Alyonka, Alena, Aljena, Alya
Ilona - Ilonka, Ilonushka, Ilonchik, Ilka
Alla - Allochka, Allik, Allushka
Anastasia, Anastasiya - Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastasya
Alexandra (Alex/Alexis/Lexy) - Sasha, Sashenka, Sashka, Shura, Shurochka
Anna - Anya, Annushka, Anyuta, Annochka, Annutka. Nuta, Nutka, Nutochka
Angela - Anjela, Andjella, Angella, Anzhela, Angelika, Anjelica
Daria, Darya - Dasha, Dashenka, Dashechka, Dashunya
Diana (Dianne) - Dianushka, Dina, Dianochka
Ekaterina (Catherine/Katrina/Kate/Katie) - Katya, Katerina, Katyushka, Katyusha, Katenka
Elena (Yelena), Helena, Helen, Yelana - Lena, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenchik, Yelenushka
Eleonora (Elly/Elenor) - Elya
Elizaveta (Elizabeth/Liz/Eiza) - Lizok, Lizochka Liza
Elvira - Elya, Virochka, Elvirusha, Elvirchik
Eugenia (Jean/Jeannie) - Zhenya, Zhenka, Zhenechka
Galina - Galochka, Galenka, Galyushka, Galchonok
Inna (Ina) - Innochka, Innoulya, Innoulenka, Inusya, Inok, Innessa
Irina (Irene) - Ira, Irinka, Irishka, Irinchik, Irinochka, Irunchik, Irisha
Yulia (Julie) - Yulenka, Yulka, Yulchik
Ksenia - Ksyusha, Ksyushka, Ksyushenka
Larisa - Lara, Larochka
Lilia (Lilian/Lily) - Lilechka, Lilya
Lolita - Lola (Lolitochka)
Ludmila (Lucy/Lucille) - Lyuda, Mila, Milochka, Lyusya, Lyudochka
Lyubov - Lyuba, Lyubonka, Lyubasha, Lyubochka, Ljuba
Margarita (Margaret/Margo) - Rita, Margaritka, Ritochka, Ritulya, Ritok
Maria (Mary) - Masha, Mashenka, Mashusha, Mashunya
Marina - Marisha, Marinochka, Marishka
Nadezhda - Nadia, Nadenka, Nadyusha, Nadyushka, Nadin
Natalia (Natalie) - Natashenka, Natshechka, Natusenka, Natusik, Natasha, Nata, Natka, Natalka
Nelli - Nelly, Nellochka
Nina - Ninochka, Ninok, Ninulya, Ninushka
Oksana - Oksanochka, Ksyusha, Ksyushenka, Ksana
Olesya (Alyssa) - Lesya, Lesenka
Olga - Olya, Olenka, Olyushka
Polina (Polly) - Polya, Polinka
Roza (Rosa/Rosie/Rose) - Rozochka, Rozita, Rozi
Sophia (Sophie) - Sonya, Sonechka, Sophochka
Svetlana - Sveta, Svetochka, Svetlanka, Svetik
Tamara (Tammy) - Toma, Tomka, Tomochka, Tamarka
Tatyana - Tanechka, Tanyushenka, Tanyusha, Tanyushka
Ulyana - Uliana, Uljana, Uljyana, Juliana, Julyana
Valentina - Valya, Valyusha, Valyushka, Valenka, Valechka
Valeriya (Valerie/Val) - Lera, Lerchik, Lerunchik, Lerusia, Lerok, Lerunia
Vera - Verochka, Verok
Veronika (Veronica) – Nika
Victoria (Vicky) – Vika, Vikusya, Vik, Vitorian, Viki
Yana - Jana, Jyana
Zhanna - Ganna, Janna, Jhanna
I hope my post is really helful for you)))
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