Interesting facts about the new virus ???
id: 10047634

Fact 1
It is also treated in the same way as the usual flu - at home, symptomatically.

Fact 2
One of the most unusual symptoms of coronavirus is loss of sense of taste and/or sense of smell.

Fact 3
So if you suddenly stopped feeling smells or tastes, this is a reason to be wary and take action.

Fact 4
Important: the carrier of the new coronavirus becomes dangerous to others immediately after infection - long before he has or does not have the first symptoms.

Fact 5
The good news is that the more deadly a dangerous virus is, the worse it spreads. After killing its host, the virus can no longer infect others. Therefore, the virus rarely mutates into a more deadly form - this is not in its interests.

Fact 6
The bad news: Covid-19 is just from another category. This virus makes the host a carrier of infection, but it does not manifest immediately or does not manifest at all, so that the carrier manages to infect several more people.

Fact 7
On average, each carrier of the new coronavirus manages to infect from 2 to 4 healthy people. This number is higher than that of seasonal flu (1.3), but lower than that of measles (12+).

Fact 8
The death rate from Covid-19 is still difficult to calculate with accuracy, but most studies estimate it at 1-3%.

Fact 9
This is about 20 times higher than that of seasonal influenza, but it does not even come close to the precursors of the coronavirus SARS (10%) and MERS (25%).

Fact 10
The mortality rate from Covid-19 strongly depends on the overall burden on the healthcare system and the speed of care: if in Germany it is only 0.3%, then in Italy it is almost 9%.
