The three main tasks of sleep
Have you ever wondered that the average person spends a third of their life sleeping? Sleep is the key to health. At this time, a number of important hormones are produced, tissue regeneration and energy replenishment occur.
Sleep has three main functions:
1. The most important thing is recovery. The brain is cleared of toxins, accumulated metabolic waste (excess of them leads to neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease).
2. Formation of a healthy metabolism. Numerous medical studies have shown that if you sleep less than eight hours a night, energy begins to be burned from carbohydrates and protein, and not from fat. This leads to negative consequences - weight gain and muscle loss. Also, lack of sleep threatens with an increase in insulin in the blood, which is fraught with the development of diabetes and heart disease.
3. Strengthening long-term memory. Brief (or intermittent) sleep interferes with the ability to form memories, both physical and emotional.
How much sleep do you need per day?
Sleep is a special state of consciousness and a physiological process that is characterized by a slow response to the world around us and specific brain activity. It includes two phases - slow and fast.
Slow sleep occurs immediately after falling asleep and lasts about 90 minutes. The body relaxes, the eyes are still, you are resting.
REM sleep follows slow sleep and lasts 10-20 minutes. Body temperature and blood pressure rise. The body is immobilized. The eyeballs make circular movements under the closed eyelids. The brain is actively working - we see dreams.
These two phases alternate with each other. With prolonged healthy sleep, a person goes through five complete cycles. REM sleep gradually decreases, and REM sleep increases (from 5 minutes to an hour).
Scientists have proven that it is desirable for a healthy adult to sleep for about eight hours: 5 cycles of 100 minutes (5x100 / 60 = 8).
Sleep also depends on age. The younger, the longer it takes for tissue growth and recovery. Newborn babies sleep more than half a day, and older people need much less time.
Why is lack of sleep dangerous?
1. Deterioration of memory, attention, coordination and speech. According to statistics, one in five road accidents occurs due to lack of sleep.
2. Weakening of immunity. During sleep, the immune system synthesizes proteins called cytokines.
3. Overeating. With a lack of sleep, ghrelin, the hormone of hunger, is produced.
4. Lack of adequate sleep is a catalyst for the formation of bad habits: a person is looking for external stimulants (caffeine, nicotine).
5. Development of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus.
It is worth adding that a sleepy person looks corny badly - the complexion suffers, bruises form under the eyes.
How to deal with insomnia and why does it appear?
Many people suffer from insomnia throughout their lives, a sleep disorder that results in decreased quality and / or duration. The reasons can be very varied. Most often these are:
1. Stress, depression (problems in personal life or at work).
2. Non-compliance with sleep patterns. It is important to try to go to bed and get up at the same time.
3. Shifting work hours leads to disruption of sleep cycles.
4. Various medicines. The composition may contain components that lead to insomnia.
5. Environment (hot, stuffy, light, noisy).
Insomnia is dangerous by the development of chronic diseases (especially those related to the nervous system), increased irritability and depression.
In most cases, you can independently get rid of insomnia by finding and eliminating its causes. It is important to understand your daily routine, diet and psychological state. Establish a sleep schedule, distance yourself from external problems, and take a warm drink before bed.
But if you cannot find / eliminate the causes and stabilize sleep, then you should seek the help of doctors.
How can I help myself fall asleep? Five techniques for a quick bedtime
Many are faced with the problem of how to fall asleep quickly. It is especially useful after stressful, stressful days. There are several techniques for getting the best sleep.
1. Visualization. Imagine what you associate with peace and tranquility. For example - waves, seashore or fire in a fireplace.
2. Auto-training. Slowly repeat to yourself, "I am falling asleep, my eyelids are heavy, I am falling asleep."
3. Respiratory gymnastics. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale.
4. Atmosphere. Set up your sleeping place - pleasant smell, bed linen, fresh air, relaxing environment.
5. Reverse sequence. Try to drive all the events of the day from end to beginning in your head.
Before going to bed, it is also important to set yourself up in a positive mood and distance yourself from external problems.
Pay attention to evening rituals. Ideal for: an evening walk in the fresh air, chatting with your family, reading a book, a warm shower or bath. It is not recommended to do sports before going to bed. It is best for an hour or two yoga or meditation.
Particular attention should be paid to nutrition (you can read about proper nutrition here). A golden mean is required: it is undesirable to eat immediately before bedtime, but you do not need to go to bed on an empty stomach. A light snack with foods rich in magnesium, calcium, protein and melatonin (cherries, bananas, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, turkey, eggs, legumes, spinach, almonds, herbs) will help you relax and fall asleep faster.
And, of course, in no case should you drink coffee or drink alcohol at night. It is believed that alcohol can be used as a sleeping pill, but this is not the case: it leads to dehydration and has a negative effect on REM sleep.
Is naps good for you?
The stereotype that naps are exclusively for young children is not true. A short rest from 13.00 to 16.00 improves memory (transfers information from short-term to long-term), stimulates creativity and learning ability, helps the body withstand stress and improves mood.
Ideally, doze for 10-20 minutes (you will go through two stages of slow wave sleep and feel refreshed). After 30-60 minutes of naps, you will feel overwhelmed. But 90 minutes is a full cycle, it will help you wake up easily and experience a surge of energy.
Good night!
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