What is it that scares people away so much by a mysterious beast named "love"? Inner turmoil and heartache, the possible prospect of separation and rejection of feelings? Yes, there are such motives, but they are superficial and secondary. The fear of love is the fear of unconditional acceptance of a person as he is in all his "multipolarity".
We are ready to allow this "multipolarity", but it does not burden us as long as we are not faced with its concrete manifestations. What does it mean to fall in love? To see in a person a certain attractive whole that others do not see in him. We may not know his name, how old he is, what advantages and disadvantages he has (we just don't distinguish them for the time being), but we already love him. We accept it as a whole, indiscriminately - parsing the bones of conventions.
We accept absolutely and unconditionally – and no rational arguments of close people penetrate us. They don't see this whole thing. It is only later that the experience of "analysis" comes, which can make very significant adjustments to the original image of the whole and even bring disappointment.
The fear of love is first of all the fear of oneself. And at times - awe of the restrictions and regulations that we sometimes blindly and uncritically adopted from others and with which we ourselves chained ourselves as slaves to the galley of life. The desire to hide from love in a haystack of conditional assessments is running away from yourself. Running from your own freedom.
Love is always the removal of cataracts from the "eye of the soul" (Dostoevsky). Risky and sometimes painful surgery. But, really, it's worth it to finally discover the real world. And in myself, too.
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