Here are simple and affordable ways to increase immunity in an adult at home. They will be within the power of almost everyone:
1.Revise your daily routine. The goal is to improve sleep, maintain high performance and improve well-being. Try to adjust to the daytime by going to bed a little earlier than usual. Control the consumption of tea and coffee, create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom. Sign up for a course of general or relaxing massage, visit the spa.
2.Analyze what and when you eat. See a dietitian if needed. Most of the nutrients should enter the body with food, and not in the form of capsules and dietary supplements. Buy vegetables and fruits according to the season. In the autumn-winter period, use fresh or frozen berries - this is a real storehouse of vitamins. You can drink herbal teas, rosehip decoction, fresh juices and smoothies. Beekeepers recommend buckwheat honey - it strengthens the immune system much better than other varieties. Don't forget about nuts and dried fruits, as well as whole grain breads and cereals. Try eating small meals 4-5 times throughout the day. Then the body will cease to experience stress in anticipation of the next portion of food, and will begin to work more stably.
3.Cut back on refined sugars, canned foods, and highly processed foods. Use bake and boil.
4.Water is life! In the cold season, you want to warm yourself up with tea or coffee. But do not forget about ordinary clean water: it is necessary for the dissolution and elimination of toxins, as well as for the normal functioning of cells. That is why almost all patients will be prescribed a course of mineral water, selected individually. This compensates for the lack of moisture, normalizes the water balance in the body, and also prevents micronutrient deficiencies. Mineral water in combination with fresh air in RP can enhance immunity by at least 1.5-2 times. This beneficial effect lasts for a long time, for 3-6 months.
Monitor your stomach and intestines. As claimed, famous for his diet, most diseases are caused precisely by malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Even the banal spring vitamin deficiency, which we are used to attributing to the change of seasons, can be caused by a lack of useful intestinal microflora. It is important that the body maintains a balance between good and bad bacteria. The former live on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the latter get inside with food. To maintain balance, it is important to regularly consume prebiotics and probiotics. They are sold in pharmacies, as part of special complexes, and are also contained in the simplest products: sauerkraut, garlic, apples, legumes, pickles (barrels), mozzarella.
Monitor the level of stress. One of the most important conditions for improving immunity in an adult at home. Try by all means to avoid physical overwork, nervous breakdowns and stress. If you feel very tired, take “rest days” for yourself. Turn off your phone, give up the Internet for a while, ask your loved ones not to bother you over trifles. It is best to spend the day in peace and quiet, or go for a walk outside the city.
5.Do not go outside more often. The advice is relevant for those who work in the office or remotely. Short-term jogging from home to stop and to work, as well as trips to supermarkets are not counted. It is necessary to walk in the open air for at least 30-40 minutes per day. The pace and distance are selected individually. Use fitness bracelets to keep track of your steps taken and calories burned.
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