If you want to find out how to date a Ukrainian woman, the best person to ask would be a Ukrainian woman! Now I want to give you several hints and I will continue helping you in my next posts:) if you may have any questions you may ask me and I definitely will give you a proper answer:) Nice communication is a good way to be friends and maybe to learn something about each other…
There are some specific feautures you need to know before you start dating a Ukrainian woman, whether you date a Ukrainian woman online or if you are dating a Ukrainian woman offline in real life.
If you have met the Ukrainian woman you are interested in dating somewhere through your work or friends, you can just skip this part altogether and jump straight to the part about dating Ukrainian women offline.
However, if you have met a Ukrainian woman online or if you are just thinking about dating Ukrainian women, this first step is very important to give it your best shot.
When dating Ukrainian women online it's absolutely crucial to move your relationship from the virtual to real world as soon as possible. This means, even if you are dating long-distance, start making it more real by talking to each other on the phone or video chatting on Skype every day.
Do not get into a virtual romance by exchanging dozens of emails and dreaming in between, without ever talking to the real person. All Ukrainian women in Ukraine have mobile phones and computer access and if her profile is online, you can be sure she has Internet access and can talk to you on Skype, and surely she has a mobile phone, even old pensioners living on the government pension have them! If the person you are talking to says they don't have a phone or cannot talk on Skype, drop them immediately as they are either: (1) not real, or (2) not really interested in you -- at the end of the day you don't really care which one it is, it's just not going to work. (Do you really think that if she cannot be bothered to arrange a video chat session on Skype, she will be prepared to leave everything she has behind and move countries to join you?)
It's the pet hate of genuine Ukrainian women who list their profiles on online dating sites - men who just send dozens of emails but do nothing to move their relationships into the real world (you won't believe it how many dreamers are out there, who just send endless emails to beautiful Ukranian women but are too scared to "get real"). If you do it quickly, she will have the utmost respect for you and I can tell you, you will be on the top of her list; all other men won't be able to compete. Communication today is so easy, it's a sin not to use it to your advantage.
Once you've started talking face to face, even if it's just on Skype, you can consider you are dating a Ukrainian woman in real life. Organizing a personal meeting will be just a matter of time; take it into your hands, don't wait for her to ask you out! Dating long-distance, ask how she would prefer to meet for the first time: your coming to her town, or meeting at an exotic resort somewhere else (most genuine Ukrainian women prefer the latter, and it will be cheaper and more convenient for you to pay for two tickets to a resort than to travel to Ukraine, believe me!) Don't delay "asking her out" for too long, if you are talking every day, you can ask for a meeting within 2-3 weeks; and if you live close by, ask as soon as you want, she will only find it flattering.
To be continued...
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