Foods that can be consumed without restriction
- cabbage (all types), mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers
- leafy salad, greens, spinach, sorrel
-tea, coffee without sugar and cream
- still drinking water
-meat (lamb, turkey, veal, beef). Exclude chicken, it contains a lot of hormones and antibiotics (chicken can only be eaten at home)
- wild fish
- cabbage cups, eggplants, beets, carrots, green beans, radishes, radishes, turnips, green peas (vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, baked, frying is not recommended)
-Use of fats (oil, mayonnaise, fats) in cooking is not allowed.
Foods to eat in moderation
- milk and fermented milk products of normal fat content, and preferably homemade. Do not use low-fat dairy products !!!
-boiled potatoes, preferably steamed
-ripe legumes (peas, beans, lentils)
- whole grain cereals (no more than 6 tablespoons per serving). -Exclude semolina, white rice, instant porridge
vegetable, meat and fish soups cooked in the second broth
- pasta prepared al dente (only from durum wheat) (no more than 6 tablespoons per serving)
bread and bakery products - not rich (preferably whole grain or whole grain bread, 1-2 slices a day)
-fruits (other than those specified in the "exclude" clause)
-nuts, seeds
"Moderate" means half of your usual serving. Food should be as natural as possible, "roughly cooked" - it is better not to cook, than to digest.
Products to be excluded or limited as much as possible
- vegetable oil (2 tablespoons per day are allowed, preferably vegetable, linseed oil) and only unrefined
-exclude meat grown using hormones and antibiotics, usually pork and chicken
smoked meats, sausages, sausages, sausages
canned meat, fish
- sugar, honey
-fruits and berries: bananas, grapes, dates, watermelon, melon
preserves, jams
- sweets, chocolate (if you really want to - 1 \ 4 bars of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70-90%)
- pastries, cakes and other confectionery
- biscuits, pastry products
-ice cream
-sweet drinks (coca-cola, fanta, etc.)
-alcoholic drinks (250 ml of dry red wine is allowed, 50-100 ml of vodka - maximum 2 times a week). Beer is completely excluded !!!
Any method of cooking is allowed (baking, boiling, steaming, grilling, in a pan), the main thing is without adding fat. Try to use utensils that allow you to cook food without adding fat (double boiler, special pans, oven, grill).
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