12 truths about self-love that you need to remember
id: 10046992

Self-love is how you see yourself, how you treat yourself, and what you wish for yourself. If it seems to you that it is impossible to love yourself, and there is practically nothing for it, then remember these 12 capital truths.

🔹1. You are unique
There is a myth in society that we must prove our own worth in every possible way by demonstrating our external achievements: for example, to have a good home, a successful career, an enviable partner and a gorgeous figure. The truth is that your value is innate – you have already been born a self-sufficient person. You came here not to prove something to someone, but to enjoy life, love, learn and create!

🔹2. Comparison is a waste of energy
Comparison destroys the whole essence of your life – to be yourself, that is, to be a unique combination of innate abilities, talents and interests. The comparison doesn't make the slightest sense, because you are incomparable.

🔹3. Focus on your advantages
Pay attention to what you are doing well, instead of noticing only your wrong actions. Replace self-criticism with praise, and as your confidence grows, you will be able to reach your full potential.

🔹4. You are not your past
In other words, you are not the person you were 10 minutes ago, let alone a decade ago – your cells regenerate, you breathe oxygen, and you gain experience. This means that your past does not define you – because every next moment you are a new person.

🔹5. Taking care of yourself is not selfishness, but a necessity
Find time to be alone with yourself instead of sitting on social networks. What do you dream about? What emotional traumas do you need to work through? Get to know yourself internally in order to find your own goal and your own path.

🔹6. You are not your thoughts
We all have a voice in our head that says that we are not good enough, smart, charismatic. He constantly points out to us our shortcomings and mistakes. The good news is that you are not your thoughts. You are only an observer of your thoughts. Your thoughts come and go, and you stay. Don't take them so seriously.

🔹7. You deserve empathy for yourself
You probably feel kindness and compassion for other people, but you deserve the same for yourself. You cannot react to yourself with frustration or condemnation, respond with love and understanding, because at this moment your inner child needs you.

🔹8. You are not your body
Your body is a wonderful temple for your soul. And this is a gift that allows you to walk on earth, love and dance. Learn to appreciate your body and treat it with love and respect.

🔹9. You are not what others think of you
Everyone looks at the world through the prism of their own experience and beliefs, so the opinion of others about you may be completely far from the truth. Therefore, do not seek approval from others, approve yourself.

🔹10. First of all, you need to love yourself
We are mistaken in delaying self-love until some day in the future – we think that we will love ourselves when we get a decent partner, a dream job, a high salary or get rid of excess weight. The truth is that the world is a reflection of you, so if you want your reality to change, you have to take the first step yourself. Everything in your life will fall into place when you first learn to love and accept yourself.

🔹11. You are perfectly imperfect
The fact is that we will always be imperfect, like ordinary mortal people. This is the nature of our being. You can sin with junk food, be lazy, procrastinate, condemn yourself and others, drink alcohol and not wash your hair on days of despondency. But you can also work on yourself and improve yourself – you always have a choice.

🔹12. You are much more magical and magnificent than you know
Do you know those moments when you could catch a glimpse of your best self? When you are helping a friend or watching the sunrise. When you dance to your favorite song, draw a picture or feel an incredible surge of energy. That's who you really are. You are not your flaws, doubts, bad mood or feelings of guilt. You are a unique person with a set of no less unique qualities and amazing potential. This is what true self-love should be based on. Believe in your inner magic.✈️
