When I learned about this concept, a lot became clear.
So what is it?
Locus of control is our tendency to attribute our successes or failures to external or internal factors.
The locus of control can be external - when we shift responsibility to others (external personality type). For example, I was late for work due to bad weather, my wife did not wake me up on time, my friends were visiting late, and I didn’t get enough sleep.
Internal locus of control - when the results of our activities depend on internal qualities: our efforts, the absence / presence of certain skills, positive / negative character traits, etc. (Internal personality type). For example, I was late because I didn't start the alarm, I was not easy to sleep earlier, I was distracted on the way to work.
This is not to say that either of these two types is better or worse. It's just a feature of a person's perception and thinking. The main thing is that a person tries to objectively assess the situation, not throw off responsibility on others for circumstances that he himself could influence (becoming a victim). Or, on the contrary, he did not carry the blame for all the misfortunes of mankind. This term was coined by Julian Rotter in 1954 in order to predict human behavior. He even developed a test method for diagnosing the locus of control.
And it is also very noticeable during family conflicts. When spouses throw sharp phrases. Or when, for example, one of the parents says to the child: "I hit you because you made me angry."
Have you ever wondered what your locus of control is?
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