Do you like guests? Would you like the children's writer Anderson to come to your home? Himself, personally, so sweet and kind, sentimental to tears? Here the writer Dickens also wanted. He admired Andersen's stories and wrote to the writer to visit him, his family, in London. He didn’t know yet that Andersen liked to visit. I have already visited Hugo, Balzac, the Brothers Grimm, Dumas and King Maximilian. He also did not know that Andersen's grandfather was a city madman, his grandmother was in prison for debauchery, his aunt kept a "merry house", his illegitimate sister worked as a confused woman. His mom was an alcoholic too. Dad is a shoemaker too. He also had delusions of grandeur. This, of course, is not very important, but mental inheritance persists ... Well, Andersen has arrived. And Dickens left a week later, leaving his home, wife, children and a kind storyteller. He ran away cowardly. Andersen, you see, carried a rope with him to go down from the window in the event of a fire. And he tied the bell to his hand: if suddenly he would plunge into a lethargic sleep, the Dickens would mistake him for dead and bury him. Then he will ring the bell from the grave. And it will be dug up. Andersen also rolled on the lawn in front of thAnd then he fell in love with Mrs. Dickens and began to sob, drink and roll on the lawn even more. Instead of a week, Andersen stayed with Dickens for a month and a half. He really, really enjoyed visiting. He did not even notice that the owner ran away ... Oh, yes, Andersen still hid his wallet and watch in his shoes from thieves. And for some reason scissors. He rubbed his feet with all this stuff and cried pitifully ... Dickens eventually returned - harnessed the horse to the cart and came home. Silently he threw the storyteller's suitcases into the cart, took him to the station and handed him a plan with arrows on how to get to Copenhagen. Silently. Andersen later recalled with affection how well he was staying with Dickens.e house and sobbed - he read criticism of his fairy tales in the newspaper. He also ran to drown himself in the Thames, if Mrs. Dickens or one of the children looked at him differently. Then he had a binge. He was particularly moved by the way Dickens handed him the plan. And how he loaded his suitcases himself ... And Dickens no longer entered the room where Andersen was staying. And he nailed a sign to the door: “In this room lived a great storyteller Andersen. These five weeks seemed like an eternity to us! ". This is how the two greatest and kindest writers of their time met. And the memories lasted for a long time. Especially Dickens. Therefore, there are people with whom it is better to communicate at a distance. Respect, love, idolize. But do not invite to visit. No way! Especially - kind storytellers with a burdened heredity ...
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