Stubbornness - a sign of weakness.
id: 10041168

Stubbornness - a sign of weakness. The stubborn has no inner core. There is no ridge, so to speak. So he built up a shell, like an armadillo or a turtle. Those who were suppressed in childhood become stubborn - they were too brought up, too demanded, too criticized ... This is a child's defensive reaction. Perseverance and perseverance is the ability to achieve a goal, no matter what. And stubbornness is rejection of the demands of other people. A stubborn person makes "ears-non-hearing", deliberately does not hear the meaning of the demands addressed to him. A set of annoying sounds hears, and a negative meaning. And stubborn people very easily fall under the influence of someone who does not demand anything, but leads flattering speeches and indulges. And then - bang! - and breaks the shell on the stone. And feasts on the contents. Or he throws a lobster into boiling water - delicious meat inside, and zero resistance! Therefore, stubborn people are always in danger. They deny reasonable demands with all their might. No! - and that's it. They do not hear the demands and the voice of reason. And they hear someone else's sweet-tongued sirens perfectly, because there are no requirements ... You have to work with stubbornness. No wonder stubbornness is also called "the demon of contradiction." Sometimes, oddly enough, learning plastic and dancing, which make the body flexible, allows the shell to be “softened”, so useless and heavy. It is hard for a stubborn person who mistakenly considers himself stubborn; and with him it is even harder ... But there is definitely nothing to boast about: it is weak-willed people who are stubborn.
