Life is fleeting
id: 289190

This is a short post.
This may seem strange, but, as I look at all of you, I suddenly realize that most people (if not probably all) who are here, on Earth, on this site, weren’t here 100 years ago, and won’t be here in 100 years (in terms of history, 100 years is not much).
This means, I think, that we must try to appreciate, help, love them (in a general sense) while they’re here, with us.
Life is fleeting.
This also means, I think, that we should try to appreciate life, people, as much as we can, to make the most of our life, to not devote precious time to insignificant activities, that we should try to bring to others as much as we can, while we can (while our productivity, quality of life are reasonably good).
When our journey comes to an end, we probably hope others will say of us:
She/he was truly a good, caring and loving person, full of humanity, humanness; we’ll sadly miss her/him.
