A person himself chooses what to dream of: to love or not to love.
id: 10041489

From time immemorial, Wealth and Poverty lived on opposite sides of the Golden Mean and did not love each other ... And why love if Poverty usually envied Wealth, and Wealth neglected and tried not to notice Poverty. Envy under the guise of Justice sometimes forced Poverty into war, and sometimes forced it to abandon its unshakable principles, which were also called biblical covenants, and then poor Poverty, obsessed with the ease of the path to Wealth, stepped over the precepts of their ancestors about sacred things and honesty, through the Golden Mean and itself became earthly Wealth ...
The Law of Equality of Opposite Forces immediately realized the opposite process - the ruin of Wealth and its transformation into Poverty. Since these processes took place with different people and in different places, this relationship was rarely noticed. Moreover, this Equality of Forces was protected by another law - the Transition of quantity into quality. A huge amount of Wealth was concentrated in the hands of a small number of people who guarded and increased their treasures. This was an ordinary and not a cunning affair. Just as the subjects of the king obeyed the laws of the kingdom that increased the wealth of the king, so Poverty obeyed the established "just" laws that strengthen the power of Wealth.
In fairness, it must be said that some rich people were ashamed of a huge fortune, donating it to the mercy and help of Poverty, and some poor people rejoiced in their Poverty, calling themselves righteous and selfless servants. There were not many at all ...
Only in beautiful fairy tales did the prince fall passionately in love with the beggar Cinderella and when the good Sorceress dressed her up. Only in magical fairy tales did the princess choose a fool or a poor Troubadour as her bridegroom ... Then, between Wealth and Poverty, love, transforming the world, flared up. It was then that new stars were lit up! But only in fairy tales do fabulous transformations take place, and in everyday life, alas, everyday life is realized. Therefore, for all who have forgotten about love, Nature has instituted obligatory transformations: birth, youth, maturity, old age and death. But for lovers, she, Nature, created other laws. They can be read by the stars in the night sky ...
A person himself chooses what to dream of: to love or not to love. Open your heart and experience a fairy tale in life or carefully hide from the storm of feelings and uncertainty. Few are truly happy and in love, but it is their happiness and love that are great in their true, spiritual Wealth!
