Difference of meaning for St.Valentine Day for men and women.
id: 10010231
On my work now everybody speak about coming holiday, we almost had a big dispute is it useful holiday or not? Men start telling that this holiday useful only for sellers of flowers and original was made just to get money for them, in it no romance at all and women should understand it. They told men don’t need such pushing holidays to make something good for their women, they can make surprises in any day and it shouldn’t be especially on St.Valentine Day. After this one woman, she is already 55 years old and as I know lives with her husband together more then 30 years, she asked just one question “ how many gifts you made for your wives in this year?” All men keep silent…She said “exactly, my husband also always tell me this but in same time he give me flowers only 3 times per year, on 8 of march, st.valentine day and birthday, so what should I do if we will not have this holidays?? I will forget smell of flowers at all”. Another women said “ For me a flowers its a sign of attention which I care a lot, every day I look on them and become proud of my man that he is so caring, but for him its just a plants on which he spend money”. I didn’t dispute in this conversation, I was just a listener but I got wonder how different men and women see holidays and gifts or its only in Ukraine like that? Or maybe we just need to change rules in our world and start give flowers to a men also so they can see our attention too?