Where do the Christmas and new year's celebrations come from, what is the difference between the two? I wish everyone a happy new year. happy 2022 bulent
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Where do the Christmas and New Year's celebrations come from, what is the difference between the two? I wish everyone a happy new year. HAPPY 2022 BULENT

Important Note: My grandfather's mother's name is Anastasıa, who is of Russian Slavic descent.
How do I look like Russians? As a child, our boys had blue eyes (Grandfather and Father had blue eyes).
In many countries of the world, Christians celebrate Christmas on the night that connects December 24 to the 25th. The difference between New Year's Eve and Christmas holiday causes some controversy in Turkey every year.

It is often confused with New Year's celebrations, which are the beginning of the Gregorian calendar, and Christmas celebrations due to their close dates.

So what is the difference between New Year's and Christmas? Where do these holidays celebrated around the world come from? Here's what you need to know about the difference between Christmas and New Year's.

Where does the Christmas Day end up?
Christmas is celebrated on December 25 every year. Celebrations begin on Christmas Eve on 24 December and continue until the evening of 26 December in some countries.

Christmas is the traditional celebration of the birthday of Jesus Christ, who is considered the "Christ the Redeemer" by Christians.

Some Eastern Orthodox, such as the Armenian Church, celebrate Christmas on January 6, which falls on December 25 in the Julian calendar.

The basis of the Christmas feast are the pagan and Roman winter festivals of Yule and Saturnalia, which have been celebrated since ancient times.

During the Roman Empire, Christians started to celebrate pagan holidays as a religious holiday so that the local people could adopt this religion more easily. In fact, the exact date of birth of Jesus is not known in religious and historical sources.

Today, Christmas has become a universal holiday celebrated by non-Christians, devoid of religious principles, centered around the exchange of gifts.

One of the most prominent symbols of this change is the "Santa Claus" figure.

Who is 'Santa Claus', where does he come from?
"Santa Claus" is a legendary figure who sneaks into homes on the night of December 24 and leaves gifts for children. Today, he is portrayed as a cute person with a red dress, gray hair and a white beard.

It is based on the Dutch story of Sinterklaas, about the Bishop Nikola of the "Santa Claus" legend.

The tradition of "Santa Claus" to bring gifts to children who "do not misbehave" during the year comes from the god Odin in Scandinavian mythology.
What is the origin of New Year's celebrations?
New Year's Eve celebrations are held to welcome the new year. This tradition was started by Julius Caesar, one of the important leaders of the Roman Empire, in 46 BC.

The first day of the new year was determined as the first day of January in the Gregorian calendar, which is the most widely used in the world.

The New Year, which means a new beginning in every field, is celebrated with different traditions and events in many countries around the world. The common goal of all of them is that the next year will bring abundance and luck with hope.

The new year celebrated on the night that connects December 31 to January 1 and Christmas are fundamentally different from each other. However, with the closeness of the two holidays, it is often confused in countries like Turkey, which are unfamiliar with the Christmas culture.
