Listen, you are not alone.
id: 10047841

Whatever we think of ourselves, we have not forgotten how to smile, remember good things, and love.
No matter how tired we are, we do what depends on us, take care of those who need it, and do not forget about ourselves.
We meet, communicate, listen to music, dilute it with city noise or the fragrant silence of the forest.
We walk, bask in a cafe, go shopping.
Nothing is cut off. It's just sometimes lost sight of.

Listen, after all, there is something that holds us by the hand, leads us through the dark times, suggests the way. He comes to the rescue: hugs of loved ones, calls from friends, kind films, warm books ...
Constantly reminds us that we are not alone, everything will work out, sooner or later. You just need to breathe and feel.
Feel and breathe, filling your lungs with the spicy coolness of autumn ...
