It is very important for someone to hear what you have to say. Hear about your experience, your views, thoughts, hopes, supports. He will not take what is ready from you - after all, this is not the point - but, inspired by your courage to be honest with others, he will be able to become more honest with himself. And this is a lot.
Someone is definitely looking for something that you so want to share. He is looking for and, perhaps, does not find, because you doubt. You keep it to yourself, you don't open the door. The sign "Closed" always hangs on it. Do not open the door wide, but still dare to tell about who you are: many need your example.
What you want to do, say, offer, is not necessary for everyone, but do it, voice it, offer it. Try. Sometimes this step seems like a jump off a cliff, but in the end it becomes a bridge connecting those along the way. You won't meet without you.
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