In a difficult moment of life, take a broom and sweep it.
id: 10043632

The word "hold on" in difficult times does not irritate me personally. Doesn't make you want to answer: “Oh, it's good for you to speak! How does it feel to me ?! ". This is what I mean by this word.
Professor Yarov wrote about the blockade, studied documentary evidence. And this struck him: the children began to be sent to evacuation along Ladoga, along the Road of Life. There was very little space, the road was terrible and difficult, and the children were mortally emaciated. They have already died. And it was necessary to choose those who can get there. Endure the road. Save yourself. A terrible, tragic choice ... And doctors went to the cunning. The children were told: “You see, the floor is dirty! You take a broom and sweep the floor. Show how you can! ". And those children who still had strength, took a broom and began to take revenge ... Maybe they didn't have the strength either. But they had a will - it replaces strength. They took brooms and shook ... And one of the inspectors was indignant, some official. And the doctors said: this is how we choose those who can survive on the road. Who can move the road and be saved. "
This is a terrible story - but there were no others in besieged Leningrad. And I think sometimes that life is also a commission. The commission says: “Take a broom. Sweep the room! ". And as long as we can sweep, as long as we can force ourselves - we will live. We will be taken on a difficult, dangerous, but saving path. We must hold on. We must hold on with all our strength. This is what we are saying, friend, in difficult times, this is the meaning of this word, although sometimes it seems offensive and inappropriate. But what else can you say? You won't tell everyone about the brooms, as I told you. Hold on - take this broom and sweep it. Show life that you are still alive and want to live. And then the chances of salvation will be greater. Much more
