Why do children need love and affection??
id: 10044353

It may seem like a simple concept to most, but the truth is, many children do not receive the love and affection that they need in order to grow up to be emotionally mature adults.
As parents, we all want success and happiness for our children and we do our best to guide them with time, affection and love. Sometimes we get so caught up in the word “success” that we forget to put in the love and affection and we put on the pressure which leads to high stress and anxiety in children.
Love and affection can melt away stress and anxiety in children and lead them further into a successful future.Our main focus, as parents, is providing the basics of life such as food, shelter, and keeping children away from danger along with nurturing and supporting them through all the challenges of life.
When we provide the correct support in all of those categories, our children feel safe, secure and loved which helps them develop quality relationships with others.
These feelings of security shape confident children with a larger capacity for learning and developing mentally and physically.
While it is easy to provide the necessities of life such as shelter and food, it can be more challenging to provide love and affection when our lives get busy and everything is constantly rushed.

Unconditional love alongside typical parenting guidelines and rules provides the best life your child can have.

Give your children the tools to achieve their goals. This leads to qualities such as perseverance, hard work and patiencе
