In most countries, the IQs of representatives of different genders are equal, and in some places the ladies even show higher results. Researchers suggest this is due to women's ability to balance difficult careers and family life.
Scientists still note the difference between female and male intelligence: the stronger sex has better developed spatial thinking. But the hypothesis that this is the result of the ancient division of labor, when men without exception were hunters, and their companions gathered berries and roots, is not confirmed. Indeed, according to the laws of genetics, traits that are influenced by natural selection are always inherited by both sexes.
In many ways, men are more pragmatic. Their mindset is more mathematical, but the female mindset is different in that girls are more multitasking. You can often hear that a woman has time to build a career, while creating a wonderful family, not doing just one thing. Men are very good when they are focused on one thing.
Men and women switched roles during World War II. Men had to defend the country, women were engaged in family, home, survival in general.
The main question is: are men and women comfortable with their roles today?
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