If people started to be friends,
id: 10041168

If people started to be friends, they do not sign the contract. But they bear mutual responsibility - this is normal, it goes without saying. And a friend can turn to a friend for help, entrust a secret, ask for advice, call at any time or write - if this is real friendship. And he himself, too, must be ready to bear responsibility. Go to a friend in the hospital or the police, God forbid. Share the latest ... And this is natural. And in personal relationships, in love, everything is very strange. Two adults entered into a relationship, by mutual agreement. And this is not even friendship, this is generally love. At least that's what they say. But you cannot call and write - you can seem intrusive and cause displeasure. You cannot ask for something - we are adults and everyone is responsible for himself. You can't trust a secret either - you don't need to burden your loved one with your uninteresting secrets. Nothing is allowed. Because this is love. You have to sit and wait until they remember you and take you out for a walk. Or just take the time to talk. They will call or write at last. And in general - no one owes anything to anyone. We are adults. This is Love! This is not love. This is the use of one person by another. Convenient and unfair use. Offensive. Slept in the same bed, hugged, slept in the same bed, there are obligations. Default. As in friendship. At least answer calls and call. Share. Support. Trust ... Otherwise, no love, no friendship, only selfishness and use ...
